Your List of New Thought Influencers!

Here is a list of influential New Thought thinkers from the origins of the movement to modern times, along with references and websites where available:


 1. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802–1866) 

Phineas Quimby is often considered the founder of the New Thought movement. His ideas about the mind's power to heal the body laid the foundation for many New Thought principles.


- Reference: [Quimby Manuscripts] (

- Books: *The Quimby Manuscripts* (collected posthumously)


 2. Warren Felt Evans (1817–1889) 

Evans, influenced by Quimby, was one of the first to write extensively about the mind's power over physical conditions, further developing New Thought concepts.


- Reference: *The Mental Cure* (1869) 

- Further Reading: [New Thought Library] (


 3. Emma Curtis Hopkins (1849–1925) 

Known as the "Teacher of Teachers," Hopkins trained many prominent New Thought leaders and was instrumental in spreading the movement’s teachings.


- Website: [Emma Curtis Hopkins Resources] (

- Book: *High Mysticism* (1923)


 4. Charles Fillmore (1854–1948) 

Co-founder of Unity, Charles Fillmore was an influential New Thought thinker whose works focused on spiritual healing, metaphysical Christianity, and the practical application of prayer.


- Website: [] (

- Book: *The Revealing Word* (1959)


 5. Myrtle Fillmore (1845–1931) 

The co-founder of Unity and a major advocate of healing through prayer, Myrtle Fillmore's healing experience greatly influenced the New Thought movement.


- Website: [] (

- Book: *How to Let God Help You* (1956)


 6. Ralph Waldo Trine (1866–1958) 

One of the most widely read New Thought authors, Trine's book *In Tune with the Infinite* became a significant influence on both spiritual and self-help movements.


- Reference: [New Thought Library] (

- Book: *In Tune with the Infinite* (1897)


 7. Horatio Dresser (1866–1954) 

Dresser was both a writer and historian of the New Thought movement, known for his comprehensive work on the history and ideas of New Thought.


- Reference: *A History of the New Thought Movement* (1919) 

- Further Reading: [New Thought Library] (


 8. Wallace Wattles (1860–1911) 

Best known for *The Science of Getting Rich*, Wattles emphasized prosperity consciousness and positive thinking as the keys to success.


- Reference: [New Thought Library] (

- Book: *The Science of Getting Rich* (1910)


 9. Ernest Holmes (1887–1960) 

Founder of the Religious Science (Science of Mind) movement, Holmes developed a systematic theology that emphasized the power of mind and spiritual healing.


- Website: [Centers for Spiritual Living] (

- Book: *The Science of Mind* (1938)


 10. Emilie Cady (1848–1941) 

A physician and metaphysical writer, Cady’s work with Unity and her book *Lessons in Truth* remain foundational in New Thought and Unity circles.


- Website: [] (

- Book: *Lessons in Truth* (1894)


 11. Eric Butterworth (1916–2003) 

Butterworth, a prominent Unity minister and author, focused on practical spirituality and empowering individuals through positive thinking.


- Website: [Eric Butterworth Teachings] (

- Book: *Discover the Power Within You* (1968)


 12. Florence Scovel Shinn (1871–1940) 

Shinn was a metaphysical teacher and author whose works focus on using positive affirmations and visualization for manifesting success.


- Reference: [New Thought Library] (

- Book: *The Game of Life and How to Play It* (1925)


 13. Joseph Murphy (1898–1981) 

Murphy is well-known for his work on the power of the subconscious mind and how it can be directed toward personal success.


- Website: [Joseph Murphy Archives] (

- Book: *The Power of Your Subconscious Mind* (1963)


 14. Paul Hasselbeck (Contemporary) 

A modern New Thought author and teacher associated with Unity, Hasselbeck is known for his work on metaphysical interpretation and spiritual self-awareness.


- Website: [Paul Hasselbeck] (

- Book: *Heart-Centered Metaphysics* (2008)


 15. Robert Brumet (Contemporary) 

Brumet, a Unity minister and author, focuses on meditation, spiritual growth, and emotional healing.


- Website: [] (

- Book: *Finding Yourself in Transition* (1994)


 16. Jim Rosemergy (Contemporary) 

Rosemergy has contributed significantly to the New Thought movement, particularly within Unity, through his writing on spiritual practice and inner peace.


- Website: [Jim Rosemergy] (

- Book: *The Quest for Meaning* (1995)


 17. Michael Bernard Beckwith (1956–Present) 

Beckwith is the founder of Agape International Spiritual Center and is known for his teachings on spiritual growth, self-realization, and social transformation.


- Website: [Agape Spiritual Center] (

- Book: *Spiritual Liberation* (2009)


 18. Marianne Williamson (1952–Present) 

A prominent author, speaker, and activist, Williamson is known for her works that integrate New Thought principles with practical applications for spiritual growth.


- Website: [Marianne Williamson] (

- Book: *A Return to Love* (1992)


 19. James Allen (1864–1912) 

Allen, though more known as a self-help writer, strongly influenced New Thought with his work on the power of thought and positive living.


- Reference: [New Thought Library] (

- Book: *As a Man Thinketh* (1903)


 20. Neville Goddard (1905–1972) 

A key figure in metaphysical and New Thought teachings, Goddard emphasized the power of imagination and belief in shaping reality.


- Reference: [Neville Goddard Books] (

- Book: *The Power of Awareness* (1952)




This list includes some of the most influential thinkers from the early days of the movement to modern times, along with links to resources or websites for further reading. Of course there are more contributors but this list will lead you down the path to a greater understanding of how new thought pioneers changed the landscape for more positive changes in our world today.