S.E.E. I of the Storm Zoom Class


Spiritual Education and Enrichment I of the Storm TAS 105

Thursday Evenings 6:00pm

 February 6, 13, 20,27 and March 6 2025  Via Zoom

Learning Objectives

In this course, students will explore the principles of embracing conflict and creating peace in everyday life.  This course is designed to help students function from their heart center, demonstrate Unity principles in times of conflict, and complete a 21-day reconciliation process.

Required Text/Readings

  • The I of the Storm: Embracing Conflict, Creating Peace by Gary Simmons - Amazon
  • 21 Day Reconciliation Journal by Gary Simons - Amazon

Contact – Rev. Annette Olsen @ annette.olsen@ymail.com

Cost- Love Offering to Unity of Fayetteville unityfay.org