Prayer Chaplains

2025 Prayer Chaplains

Richard Drapeau     Saundra Patterson    Della Sarathi

Prayer Chaplains

What is a Prayer Chaplain?

A Prayer Chaplain is:

  • Someone who is available to support others on their spiritual journey.
  • Someone who creates and holds sacred space.
  • Someone who lovingly listens and holds what is heard in the strictest of confidence.
  • Someone who prays with others.

What Is the Prayer Chaplain Program?

A Prayer Chaplain Program is a service opportunity for our congregants who desire to take the next step in the development of their spiritual maturity and level of commitment in their spiritual growth. It is a unique service that differs from many of the other volunteer opportunities in terms of commitment level and responsibilities.

Prayer Chaplains make a one-year commitment in fulfilling their duties. These duties include (but are not limited to)

  • Monthly on-duty services (available for one-on-one prayer with congregants following services)
  • Monthly wellness calling sessions
  • In-service monthly Prayer Chaplain meeting
  • Attend annual Prayer Chaplain training